Using Facebook to Invite People to Your Events: Do’s and Don‘ts

Facebook Events is a marketing tool that’s growing in popularity with small business owners. Even those who’ve just started a business or are on a tight budget still need to get the word out about the opening of their business or the introduction of a new product.

Since Facebook Events are free, it’s smart for them to be included in a small business’s promotion and advertisement campaign. To get the most out of a Facebook event, there are specific dos and don’ts a businessperson can follow.

Following is a list of Facebook Events best practices can help maximize their promotional benefits.

Facebook Events Best Practices


  • Use Facebook Events Sparingly. Most people don’t throw parties for everyday occasions, and it wouldn’t be wise to host a Facebook event for every business occurrence. Rather than hosting an event to announce a new greeting card on their website, a paper goods business might host a Facebook event to introduce their new line of wedding invitations before peak wedding season.
  • Promote an Event through Additional Venues. Promoting a Facebook event on Facebook only is not enough, even if it’s open to the public. The event should be promoted on a business’s website, as well as through Twitter, email, and on the company blog. Businesses shouldn’t overlook traditional promotional methods either, such as word-of-mouth and fliers placed in customers’ bags.
  • Increase Communication for a More Successful Event. Good communication before and during an event can increase the sales a business achieves from their Facebook event. In addition to conversing with invitees directly on the event page, business owners can also use hosted VOip for real-time communication and email.


  • Don’t Be Vague or Long-Winded. The overwhelming amount of information available these days means that consumers are looking for information that’s concise and to the point. It’s best to keep Facebook event information brief, to the point, and enticing. For example, it would be more effective to say “You’re invited to view and purchase our new line of handmade, nature-themed wedding invitations printed on recycled paper” than to say “Come see our new wedding invitations.”
  • Don’t Forget to Involve the Community. It’s always smart to be community-minded. Anytime a business can get out in the public to meet consumers and benefit the community at the same time, everyone benefits. This can be achieved by supplementing an online debut of a new line of products with a debut at a local exhibition where 20 percent of all proceeds will go to a local food bank or charity.
  • Don’t Assume that People Won’t Be Interested. It’s common for small business owners – especially those who are new in the business world – to make the assumption that certain people won’t be interested in their event. As a result, the business owner doesn’t invite these people. Avoid this mistake, and let everyone decide for themselves. The results may be surprising.

All Things in Moderation

Small businesses that are successful are run by people who know it’s wise to not put all their eggs in one basket. As beneficial as Facebook Events can be to the promotion of a new business or new business line, this marketing tool should never be used exclusively.

An effective social media marketing campaign will include consistent efforts in two to four different social media venues. Facebook Events should be viewed as an added boost to increase results from the current marketing campaign, attract new people, or announce a new addition to the business. Like anything else, if the use of them is overdone, their effect will weaken to the point of no longer being worth the effort.

About the Author:

Mary Ylisela is a writer and social media marketing manager who is passionate about helping other freelancers and small-business owners learn how to promote their businesses. She writes for companies such as


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