At eVenues we like to stay on top of the best blogs about events, technology, and of course, event technology. We tweet and share the best blog posts we find but there always are a select few posts that we believe deserve special mention. This week those posts are:

Will International Meetings and Events Industry Prosper in 2012? - Business Travel Destinations

We here at eVenues like optimism (we're a startup after all!). What we like even more is optimism backed up with numbers. While business travel faced a lot of challenges last year due to the economy, this year is starting to look up. In this post business travel expert Rob Hard goes one step further than hearsay and rah rah fluff, and provides real world examples for why 2012 should be a prosperous year.

Why Your Conference Rots: It Is Just Like School - Midcourse Corrections

When attendees sit silently in their seats listening passively to an hours and hours of presentations, talks and lectures, it doesn't matter how good or useful your content is. You have a "rotten" conference on your hands. Jeff Hurt of Velvet Chainsaw points out that the reason your conference rots is because you use outdated methods used in traditional education. Not only does he point out the problem, but he offers some useful solutions. A must read.

Why I’m the world’s worst virtual attendee. And how that can help you plan better hybrid events. - Plan Your Meetings

It's hard to make a hybrid meeting successful--especially on the "virtual" side of it. In this tongue-in-cheek post Kristi Casey Sanders offers a portrait of the worst possible virtual attendee--herself! When planning your own hybrid event, keep attendees like Kristi in mind. How would you keep someone like her engaged?

Why Business Best Practices Are Evil - Open Forum

A thought provoking post by SocialFish's Maddie Grant about how focusing too much on best practices may leave you blind to business opportunities.

Event Tech Checklist Helps Planners Meet Attendee Needs - Engage365

From live streaming talks to event specific twitter hashtags, technology is rapidly changing the way we meet. A consequence of this, however, is that event suppliers are having trouble keeping up with the technology needs of meeting planners. In order to solve this problem, James Spellos and Corbin Ball created TechSpec, a list of guidelines that both event planners and suppliers can refer to so that they're on the same page. In this post Jenise Fryatt interviews Spellos about TechSpec--what it is and the reason for its inception.


Did you see a great post that we missed? Let us know! Contact our Community Manager Kenji Crosland at kenji -at- evenues dot com.

Photo by: Michael Ruiz