Five At eVenues we like to stay on top of the best blogs about events, technology, and of course, event technology. There are a lot of posts out there and it can often be overwhelming. We dig through all of it and find those select few we believe deserve special mention. This month those posts are:

31 Social Media Marketing Posts Written With Event Pros in Mind

If you want to know about social media and how it applies to planning an event, you really have to look no further than this one incredible post. Did I mention they're all from the same blog? Thanks to Jenise Fryatt for creating such an incredible resource!

How to Get Press for Your Event Planning Business: A Conversation With 3 Editors

If you're serious about promoting your event planning business and you've only have time to read one blog post this month, make it this one. In it, Lara McCulloch picks the brains of editors from BizBash, Special Events Magazine, and Event Solutions magazine. There you are, everything event magazine editors want in one convenient blog post. Ignore at your own peril!

3 Wonderful Lists from PlannerWire

While it's not a rule set in stone, we usually like to keep our five picks to one post per blog per month. We noticed, however, that Keith Johnston put out not just one, but 3 lists of great tools for event planners this month. It seemed silly for us to list just one and ignore the other too. Please be sure to check out Keith's list of  WordPress Plugins, Email Marketing Tools, and Accounting Tools. Of course, these tools are often used by folks other than event planners, but Keith does provide advice as to how an event planner should use each tool.

10 Brain Based Learning Laws That Trump Traditional Education

Midcourse Corrections has always been an invaluable resource not just for meeting planners, but also for people interested in cutting edge ideas in education. After all, one of the main reasons why people meet is to learn. This month Jeff Hurt doesn't disappoint by providing some fascinating "brain laws" which should help you get people more engaged at your event.

The Problem with Pecha Kucha

Liz King of Liz King Events has really stepped up blog up this year with a new panel of guest writers, all of whom are experts in event planning and related industries. While so many of the posts here are worth singling out, Kristy Casey Sanders has provided a fascinating look at a presentation style from Tokyo called Pecha Kucha. Essentially Pecha Kucha limits presenters to 20 seconds each for 20 slides. Is it here to stay, or is it a fad? Read on and see where you stand. New here? You might want to check out some of our popular posts: Photo by: Stew Dean